Mosaic in the media

January 17, 2020

Eristyksissä merijäiden keskellä

"Tutkijat viettivät kuukausia eristyksissä keskellä jäätä ja pimeyttä – ”Jääkarhut repivät telttoja ja purivat kaapeleita”, kertoo maailman suurimmalle naparetkelle osallistunut professori Jari Haapala"

January 17, 2020

The Voyage to the End of Ice

"Arctic ice is disappearing — the question is how fast."

January 15, 2020

Understanding the impacts of changing Arctic storms

"For ships sailing close to the north pole, few events pose bigger risks than an Arctic storm."

December 18, 2019

Nature’s “Ones to watch in 2020”

Nature’s 10 is the journal’s annual list of ten people who mattered in science this year. Markus Rex, Head of MOSAiC, is on the list "Ones to watch in 2020".

December 16, 2019

Thinner than expected Arctic sea ice has been a challenge for MOSAIC researchers

"The scientists are on an unprecedented expedition through the high Arctic winter — and thinner ice has hindered some of their work."