Roberta Pirazzini

Roberta Pirazzini
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Role / Position
Senior scientist
Atmosphere, Sea Ice,
My tasks on MOSAiC
Coordination of the FMI activities related to: 1) measurement of surface spectral and broadband albedo with a drone (legs 3-6), 2) measurement of surface radiation budget with a fixed station at the Met City (legs 1-6), 3) measurement of snow and ice properties (leg 6)
I am most excited about
The excitement comes from the many scientific discoveries that such expedition will bring: the measurements themselves will be the corner stone to improve models, satellite retrieval methods, and process understanding for the coming decades. The challenges will be many and big: the ice floe will break, instruments will break, weather and ice conditions will prevent scientific operations in very many occasions. This will cause frustration for the participant scientists. Nevertheless, the excellent preparation will mitigate the impact of adversities, and will ensure that all essential data will be continuously collected.