Francesca Doglioni

Francesca Doglioni
Alfred Wegener Institute
Role / Position
Phd student
MOSAiC School,
Akademik Federov Icebreaker,
My tasks on MOSAiC
As PhD student participating to the MOSAiC school 2019, I will take part in interdisciplinary lectures on the Arctic system and workshops which will improve my science communication skills. Another objective of the school is to get experience handling and deploying oceanographic measurements systems; with this aim, we will support the deployment of the MOSAiC distributed network.
My biggest challenge
A very exciting challenge will be working with such an international team as the one involved in the MOSAiC project.
I am most excited about
Being my first cruise, I wouldn’t know where to start listing things I am excited for! I feel very happy to have the opportunity to travel to the central Arctic as scientist, and to do it also with the goal of learning how to transfer my knowledge out of the scientific environment to be a better citizen of planet Earth!