MOSAiC stands for climate research as an international collaborative undertaking. More than 300 experts from 16 countries conducted research directly on site. More than 80 research institutions from 20 countries were involved in the expedition. However, the climate-relevant data obtained thanks to MOSAiC will be available to entire mankind. Further details are available under MOSAiC data.

BNU - Beijing Normal University
FIO - First Institute of Oceanography
OUC - Ocean University of China
PRIC - Polar Research Institute of China
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
SIO - Second Institute of Oceanography
Taiyuan University of Technology
TIO- Third Institute of Oceanography
USTC - University of Science and Technology of China
ZJU - Zhejiang University

AWI - Alfred Wegener Institute
CAU - Kiel University
DLR - German Aerospace Center
DWD - Deutscher Wetterdienst
GEOMAR - Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences
IOW - Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde
LIM - Leipzig Institute for Meteorology - Leipzig University
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Trier University
TROPOS - Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research
University of Bremen
University of Cologne