December 2, 2020
It's hard to think of anywhere safer or more removed from coronavirus than the North Pole. But that's where Wellington scientist Dr Ruzica Dadic has spent part of her year.
November 25, 2020
"Thanks to steady funding, Germany’s national research organizations are thriving."
November 16, 2020
"Faszinierend und erschreckend zugleich: Die Dokumentation "Expedition Arktis" zeigt den Nordpol, wie er noch nie vom Sofa aus zu sehen war - und wie er wohl bald endgültig Geschichte sein wird."
November 6, 2020
The Mosaic expedition is back - with stories to tell, and unique research.
October 15, 2020
"Finita la missione MOSAiC è tornata in porto la Polarstern, la nave da ricerca scientifica che per un anno è andata alla deriva, volutamente, con i ghiacci artici."