MOSAiC Implementation Workshop Potsdam


230 scientists of the MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory of the Study of Arctic Climate) community participated in the final big workshop before the MOSAiC expedition starts in September 20th 2019. The workshop focused on the implementation of the expedition and to inform the participants of the cruise about logistical details.

The last implementation MOSAiC workshop which was held in Potsdam from May 28 until June 1, 2018, needed a follow-up implementation workshop in winter 2019 with further specification of the experimental and modelling design of the unique expedition experiment

The different science teams needed to further discuss its measurements, how they will organize them, and with whom they will collaborate during the MOSAiC campaign. This was important for organizing the central observatory and the distributed regional network of observational sites.

The application of different numerical models covering the hierarchy of different spatial and temporal scales needed further specification and interaction with the observing community to reach the goal of developing improved sub-grid scale parameterizations. That includes the details of sea ice forecasts, weather forecasts for detailed planning of the daily work on the central observatory, preparation for measurements during extreme events, the distributed network during the drift, and the usage of the sampled in-situ data for data assimilation and the development of sub-grid-scale parameterizations of climate models. In addition, the intended remote sensing activity should be worked out in detail.