Matthew Shupe

Dr. Matthew Shupe
CIRES, University of Colorado and NOAA
Role / Position
co-coordinator of MOSAiC
Atmosphere, Communications / Outreach, Data, Leadership,
I, IV,
My tasks on MOSAiC
Principle investigator of surface flux project funded by NSF and NOAA; principle investigator of US DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program installation of atmosphere-cloud-precipitation-radiation-aerosol measurements; principle investigator of a coordination, outreach, and communications project funded by NSF. My task range from designing, specifying, and building instrument systems, to data management, to field installation and operation, to communications and outreach. I will be the ATMOS team lead on legs 1 and 6.
I am most excited about
I am excited about the "coupled system", "full annual cycle", and "international" nature of MOSAiC. Few projects have such a diverse set of scientists and science foci all working together to understand interactions and linkages in the delicately balanced Arctic system. Getting the full annual cycle is so important for truly understanding the behavior of the Arctic system and ultimately for representing it in models. Having a broad international consortium is very symbolic of the importance of the work we are doing. Scientists from across the world broadly agree on the dramatic changes that are occurring in the Arctic and the research that is needed to understand, manage, and respond to these changes. There will be many challenges for MOSAiC. The biggest will be responding to the environmental conditions that are presented to us, and over which we have no control. Where will the ice drift? How much with the ice fracture? How much overall ice melt will be experience? All of these can impact our measurements in important ways.